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About Me

About Me

I was named before I was born and have been trying to figure out who I am since. Magnus, in Latin, literally means greatest. Seems like a heavy lift for an eight pound baby. So here is what I discovered about myself: Like my home state of Alaska, I am fiercely independent and resilient. I am curious and optimistic by nature and my quick wit has been both my friend and foe. My art is a work in progress like me. My greatness is in name only and still to be determined. 


Kuinerraq, “A New River Channel”- A Shipe Production
by Magnus Shipe; and Dr. Lisa Spencer with Issac Boss and Ella Marquez Benavidez

Mumbai Film Awards 2023

Couch Film Festival, Toronto, Canada 

Love Peace and Freedom Film Festival, Mexico

Reel Girls Film Festival, Toronto, Canada

Climate Changemaker Teen Festival, Audience Award 2024, California 

35,567 Yup'ik Stories-A Shipe Production

by Magnus Shipe

Film Prize Junior New Mexico 2024, Founder's Circle Award


Kuinerraq, “A New River Channel”- A Shipe Production
by Magnus Shipe; and Dr. Lisa Spencer with Issac Boss and Ella Marquez Benavidez

Mumbai Film Awards 2023

Couch Film Festival, Toronto, Canada

Love Peace and Freedom Film Festival, Mexico

Reel Girls Film Festival, Toronto, Canada

SE Pennsylvania Teen Filmmakers Showcase, Pennsylvania 

Chicago FEEDBACK Film Festival, Chicago, Illinois 

Muestra "Cortos de la Polis Joven", San Jose, Costa Rica

Big Syn International Film Festival, London, UK 

SmartPhilm Festival, Washington, DC

Ravenwood Film Festival, Salte Ste Marie, ON, Canada 

Festival Toi Femmes, Paris, France 

Picasso International Film Festival, India 

The Hollywood Guerrilla Film Festival, Las Angeles, California

Chennai International Documentary and Short Film Festival, India 

Creators Film Festival, Aberdeen, UK 

First Nations Film and Video Festival, Skokie, Illinois

Las Vegas International Film & Screenwriting Festival, Las Vegas, Nevada

Urban Mediamakers Film Festival (UMFF), Georgia 

Jesup Film Festival, Georgia 

Anti-War International Independent Film Festival, Johvi, Estonia  

Centre Film Festival, Pennsylvania 

Ohio Valley Festival For Filmmakers of Color, Ohio 

KIDS FIRST! Film Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Broadway International Film Festival Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 

Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions by Lift-Off Global Network, United Kingdom

Imagination Lunchbox International Children's Film Festival, Baltimore, Maryland 

The Youth and Heritage Film Festival, Slovenia 

Eugene Environmental Film Festival, Eugene, Oregon

Festival Internacionál de las Artes Cinematográficas de San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Kinovertikal – the International Festival and Competition for Films directed by Children and Young Adults (Russia, Saratov) 

Santa Fe Film Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico  

FilmPrizeJr New Mexico Youth Film Festival, Albuquerque, New Mexico

35,567 Yup'ik Stories

by Magnus Shipe

FilmPrizeJr. New Mexico Youth Film 2024 Festival, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Red Nation 29th Native Indigenous Student Film Festival 2024, California

Native Indigenous Student Academy for Cinematic Arts, California

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